Halton Chiropractic Clinic

It’s National Physiotherapy Month!

Balancing Your Shoulder Muscles

With May being National Physiotherapy Month, it’s only appropriate that we focus in on this amazing profession, and highlight the many benefits and strengths a physiotherapist offers their patients.

Physiotherapists, like medical doctors and chiropractors, are primary care practitioners (PCPs). This means that one does not need a referral to see one – anybody can book in with a physiotherapist at any time should they have the need. Specifically, physiotherapists focus largely on the movement & functional abilities of their patients – identifying barriers to recovery/improvement, and helping to overcome them through rehab strategies, manual therapy, and education.

Why should I see a physiotherapist?

Patients traditionally seek a physiotherapist following an injury, invasive surgery, or as an aid in combatting chronic pain. To that end, physiotherapists are effective at treating complaints as minor as a pulled muscle, to as complex as post-operative spinal surgery. Perhaps less-commonly known, physiotherapists can also aid in non-musculoskeletal conditions as well including lung problems such as asthma, disability resulting from cardiac (heart) problems, pelvic issues including bowel & bladder problems (including those related to childbirth), and neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s & multiple sclerosis.

The expertise of physiotherapists also extends into pediatrics; many childhood conditions can be improved or even resolved through physiotherapy! Postural problems are very common in children of all ages – usually related to long hours of sitting in school or lugging around a backpack heavier than necessary. Compound these issues with inevitable growing pains & you’ve got a child who would greatly benefit from the eye of a physiotherapist.

What can I expect from HCC physiotherapists?

On your first visit to any practitioner at HCC, the practitioner will work with you on developing a detailed clinical history or your condition. Additionally, a physical examination will also be performed, in order to help rule in or out the many possible conditions of the human body.

Once our physiotherapists are confident in their findings & the specific needs of you or your loved one, they are capable of administering & educating on the diagnosis responsible for your condition. Following this, they will create a treatment plan best suited to your needs.
Physiotherapy treatments at HCC use a combination of manual therapy and exercise science. Different techniques such as Myofascial Release Technique (MRT), Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching, Trigger point therapy, Thermo/Cryotherapy, Low Level Laser Therapy, Therapeutic Ultrasound & Acupuncture are all different manual therapy modalities that the physiotherapists at HCC may rely on. Additionally, a variety of exercises with focuses on postural modification, cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, or spinal stability will be demonstrated, taught & prescribed.

Just as important as the manual therapy & exercise components of treatment, physiotherapists are also experts as identifying potential causative agents of different patient conditions. This is where the idea of Lifestyle Modification & education is incorporated into treatment. Methods such as stress management, activity modification, and maintaining a healthy mindset can all play a profound role in recovery time & patient prognosis.